Tuesday, March 11, 2008

old photos

Just going through some of the photos I've taken, old & new. I like these. Click the images for larger sizes.

Hand and foot Mushrooms Fishboy Billy Bragg diner Me, Mom and Morgentaler Window Kitty Weird baby doll on collage  Cross on Mount Royal Pigeons  Moo Moo Black Mountain Cactus Flower New York City, Autumn 2007 Patti Smith Fat kitty and me The Ultra Convenience Bill the Cat Bike accident  Montréal Montréal Montréal Montréal rue de Grand-Pré rue Jeanne Mance Winter

(taken with either my Canon 350D or Sony Cybershot DSC-W50)

Monday, March 10, 2008


Moo Moo

I love him, he never lets me down.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New blawg

was LJ: http://riffrandell.livejournal.com

I still update, so add me there if'n you like